Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Things to Consider Before Buying an Airsoft Sniper Rifle

It's not easy being the sniper on the squad. Every team counts on their airsoft sniper to take out enemies at long range, pin down adversaries and keep the other team's sniper(s) from pinning them down. There are a lot of questions to ask before buying gear and suiting up for a match: What rifle should I purchase? Do I need to get a scope? How about a ghillie suit?

Relax: we're going to cover a few of the most important sniper topics for you. The most imperative thing is choosing the right weapon. There is no be-all, end-all choice of weapon for all players. Personal choice plays a major role, as does your level of experience. You'll have to test out a number of different brands and types before you land on a rifle that is just right. Unfortunately, that can expensive in a hurry. If you come down to our store in person, though, we'll be happy to listen to how you want to play and recommend weapons accordingly.

The pricing aspect is also going to come into play when picking out a rifle. What exactly do you need to spend in order to get what you need? Well, that's going to be different for everyone. If you're new to the sport, then you don’t want to go out and spend piles of cash before you know whether or not you're going to stick with it for the long haul.

Like with anything else, you get what you pay for. Experienced players who want to be out there dominating the field every weekend need to spend more to get the airsoft sniper rifle that best suits their play style. Most quality rifles cost a few hundred dollars, but Godfather has a large pool of excellent options for you to choose from.

How about bolts versus semi-autos? There are several points to consider here. Bolt-action rifles are built stronger and have less parts that could fail on you. Semi-autos aren't as durable, but they can fire off that next shot faster. We can't tell you which one is more important to you: you'll have to figure that out on your own. Choose wisely, as your decision will have a major impact on what happens out on the field.

The last aspect of sniping that we'll get into today is the scope issue. There are variable scopes and then there are fixed scopes – most of which are always zoomed in to a great degree. If you've played the game before then you know most combat takes place at 150 yards or closer. With that knowledge in hand, what good does it do you to have a scope designed for 1,000 yards? A variable scope is the best choice for most individuals. And if you really want to get serious, think about investing in one with illuminated cross hairs for better aiming in low light.

Come visit our store or give us a call at 877-745-8370 if you have any questions at all about airsoft sniper rifles.

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